Tuesday, March 6, 2007

tell me that you're alright yeah everything is alright

so i almost just beat the everloving crap out of my brother....
i forgot he shaved his head, and he's fast asleep on the couch.
ah well.

well, i'm home. or something like that. it gets weirder every time i come back - feels a little less and less like i belong here which is unfortunate. i love my parents and my brother a lot, we've always been close and get along great but by the end of any break i'm just so ready to be out of there. the unfortunate thing this time is that i was feeling that as soon as i got in the car after they picked me up from the train station. i mean it could be that i had been traveling for 12 hours too, and didn't really need/want to be fussed over at all.

i really shouldn't complain though. i'm really lucky to have the family that i have. they are incredible, and i would do anything for them as they would for me.

it is unfortunate though that mica decided to make spring break so early this year... everyone else is still at school. my best friend's break doesn't start until the end of this week, and she booked a trip to florida starting on the 9th, so there are only 2 days that she can actually hang out with me at all, which kind of blows. gwaaaaaar enough complaining!

i kicked off break pretty well, i feel - it was a lot of fun. i like fredonia a lot, and yay! so much snow!!! i was really excited to actually go some place where winter actually existed... even if everyone else there was ready to stab themselves in the face with an icicle. nothing too monumental happened - beege and i watched oodles of goodness, like tom & jerry's greatest chases, friends (season 4), nacho libre, pink floyd's the wall (sooooo gooooood!), and other fabulous things. it was so nice to just chill out and not have to worry about work or school. the trip back home was an adventure as well. it was long, but not awful. i took a bus from the fredonia campus to the buffalo train station (it's so tiny!), and had 2 hour and 40 minute layover there so i had the guy that worked there lock up my ginormous suitcase and took a walk through the windy windy streets. i got this absolutely delicious bowl of homemade soup and some splendid coffee - i took a picture of it with my cell phone and it is now the main wallpaper, because i'm a huge dork. what of it!?

once i caught the train, i slept for pretty much 5 1/2 hours straight, which was good, considering it was supposed to be about a 7 1/2 hour long ride. it did end up being longer, only because when we got into albany they had to switch engine cars (bj got fabulous texts from me yelling "they're switching the ENGINES! WTF!?" where he then explained that they were probably just switching the cars.... which made me feel better. and more sense), and also where albany was doing some sort of electrical testing and had to turn off the power. so my train was supposed to get home around 8 or something, and it ended up getting in about 9:30 instead, but that was ok. i had my laptop with me and was giggling along to some episodes of friends (have i mentioned i like friends? :-P) so the time went along quite nicely. and also, amtrak trains? A freakin +! so comfortable. good god.

well anyway, i'm going to go do some work and figure out what my week is going to look like... hopefully there is a haircut in my near future! and extra layers. because according to weather.com it is 11 degrees with a "feels like" factor of -4. f-you wind.

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