Saturday, February 24, 2007

rubber duckies and earworms

thank goodness for leggings. i've mostly run out of clothes (it's time for a laundry run), and so the only clean pants in my closet that i felt like wearing were my shredded pair of paper denim jeans. they have probably the biggest hole you have ever seen, right through the lower butt portion on the left side. i've sewed them up before, but to no avail - my butt will not be held prisoner! so thank goodness for leggings.

at the moment, i'm working the desk at the commons. i'm covering ed's shift along with my own, so i'm here for 6 hours. i don't really mind at all. i actually like being here for 6 hours as opposed to just 3 - i feel like 3 is too short. that's just for me any way.

so when you work the desk and have all this time just kind of sitting around, you tend to make lots of discoveries on the computer. my favorite discovery of the day? that i could order a pizza online through allissa's pizza place (i hear they're the tastiest). and i did. i just received my confirmation email that my pizza will be delivered right to me at the desk in about 40 minutes. hells yes. another way for me to get around my extreme dislike of phones.

another thing i discoverd online was the term earworm. other names for this affliction include repetunitis, sound virus, or melodymania.

everyone.... i am afraid... that i too, have melodymania.

but don't fret! it's not as horrifying as it sounds. it's basically just almost always having a song stuck in your head. most commonly, an irritating one, and usually it's just a part of a song that gets stuck in a phonological loop. my songs run the gamut from my absolute favorites, ones that i have listened to repeatedly for way too long, ones that i haven't listened to, to my knowledge, pratically ever, to incredibly annoying. there is almost no time when i do not have a song stuck in my head - betcha didn't know that about me huh? at almost any instant, someone could ask me hey, what song is in your head? and by george i would have one to share with you. the only times i don't really have one going through my head is when i am or have just recently listening to oodles of music. like now. people who are sufferers of said earworms are more likely to have neurotic tendencies, like tapping finger, biting pencils and the sort. good to know.

so anywho, let's see.... i seem to have been able to break my blogging addiction. this is the first since wednesday night/thursday morning, yay for willpower! i think it was the newness of it that got me more than a little caught up in it.

last night, i had planned on staying home and working, and also doing laundry. instead i ended up falling asleep, waking up at 8:15pm, cleaning my room a bit, and then going to ronni's party (the first of two). oh well! i plan on getting tons done this evening.

my pizza's here!!

1 comment:

Sam Bosma said...

Some people give up meat, some people give up drinking, but I've given up affection for lent. Romantic affection, in particular, but I'm trying to cut back in general. If it sticks, I'm going to hold out until the world ends.

So far it's working out great.