Thursday, March 22, 2007

get your kicks and do some fire escape picnicing

after all the rambling i did with alissandra about how much i don't like running, what did i just get back from? a run. and damn, did it kick my ass. it felt awesome. i can't even believe i can say that. i went by myself, blasting coheed and cambria (shut up hata's) on my ipod and just jogged for about 1/2 an hour. i really enjoy going by myself... and the weather was amazing. so i'm making this day 1 of my jogging resolution. let's see how i do.

more awesome things are that this saturday i am most likely heading to Philadelphia for an interview of sorts for that summer nanny job, and also mica's jazz formal is that night! it's pretty much the one and only chance for students here to get all snazzy... kind of like prom i guess, except that it's an annual thing for everyone. i didn't get to go last year because i was sick, so i'm really looking forward to this one. i've had my dress picked out for 2 months, i'm that cool.

ok, time to get decent - i don't think i can really pull that whole towel look. i'm going to go put my clothes away and tidy my room a bit, because seanikins is coming over! he's going to hang out with me while i do homework. sounds like oodles of fun, i know. sorry, you can't come. we're also probably getting chinese! wooo!

......seriously, stop begging, you can't come.

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