Thursday, March 8, 2007

who made, who made up, made up the myth

i have been pearl jamming my heart out.

i like titling some of my blogs with lyrics from songs i'm listening to at the moment.... mmmhmm.

so, i haven't been doing much on my break. but i've recently had the revelation that, well, that's ok. i'm not really supposed to be doing anything - it's my break! so you go to hell, work.

yesterday actually was full of good times though, once i managed to pull myself off of my bed and away from my tv and lap top. i don't have a car, so if i want to drive around places i have to kind of figure that out in advance, which is sometimes difficult for me because when it comes to going places or driving somewhere, i don't plan for the life of me. but eh! mostly the planning came from the fact that i was going to go out to lunch with my mom over her break that day, so i drove her in that morning so that i had the car. i drove back home, puttzed around a bit, and then showered and did all that good stuff. i lost track of time doing nothing, because it's such hard work dontcha know, and took off to grab my mom. we went to this place called double o, and they were quite tasty. very enjoyable. i love when i can sit down with my mom and just chat. she's pretty much my best friend - i can talk to her about pretty much anything, and she has some great advice. the same kind of goes for her too - she tells me everything and i try to give some outlook or perspective on it. sometimes that can get a little weary, because i think a lot of times parents don't really talk to their kids about everything going on, or what's really going on in their life, and when someone who you're used to being the rock shows that they're wavering, it can sometimes be difficult to handle. but i like being able to be there for her when i can, and i know a lot of it comes from the fact that sometimes it's just really good to have someone you can completely bear your soul to.

so yeah, we had a fabulous lunching experience, and i was able to tell her all the things that were weighing heavily on my mind. she has the knack for knowing when things are wrong when i don't even know something's wrong. gotta love mom's. : )

after lunch i had to bring her back to work, but by then she only had a little less than 3 hours left, so i went to the mall to pass the time. and i was in the mood to spend. which almost never happens.

i'm dangerous in that mood.

i went and got a haircut, which i absolutely love. i decided that it's time to grow these locks out - 3 years of short hair is enought for now. there's not much i can change with hair this short unless i shave my head, and i don't plan on doing that any time soon, so i'm going to try to do the longer hair thing again. after that, i headed over to h&m. i bought a killer black pin-striped blazer which is super cute, and totally rocked it for the rest of the day, and also got a black trench coat that, i must say, is freakin awesome. i also bought a black and white polka-dotted umbrella! woo! i pulled myself out of there, and headed to best buy. i went to get the new decemberists cd, the crane's wife, and also some pearl jam, but i'll be damned if there was just too much pearl jam for me to decide. i texted bj for his advice, as he is, to me, the pearl jam expert. i was trying to decide between 2 pre-determined cd's and he responded with "why just those?" where i thought dammit.... this is going to be a while. i knew i wanted to get their newest one, and then one other. he suggested Vs. and Yield, as those were 2 of his favorites, and that what he'd heard of their new stuff was pretty good. he then texted me again saying that those were more "rockin" albums and that Vitalogy and one other i can't remember were good for more softer stuff. damn my indecisiveness! i ended up putting back the decemberists and getting their new one, Vs., and Vitalogy. i feel that's a decent compromise, eh? hehe... i also finally got a wall charger for my ipod. i left there and wasn't done yet, so i went and looked at some puppies. always a bad idea. so cute, and so sad... i just wanted to take them all home with me. i got into a nice conversation with this guy about dogs, until this lady come over who i assume was his girlfriend and gave him the "let's go NOW" face, and left. i almost asked the someone who worked there to take out one of the bogle puppies for me to play with, but decided that probably wasn't a good idea. "so yeah mom, i got a hair cut, bought a new coat, some cd's, and oh yeah a puppy ok gotta go!" so instead i headed to the shoe department, which is equally bad as puppy shopping. i looked at some really cute black peep-toe kitten heels, but they didn't have my size, and that happened with 2 other pairs, so i took that as my sign to stop shopping. i definitely knew it was time to go when i was starting to justify spending $38 on a pair of sunglasses.

so i went i picked my mom up, and then had some delicious dinner cooked by my papa bear! and then i fell asleep listening to Vitalogy. then i woke up, woooo, and watched me, myself, & irene.

'twas a good day.

now i have to go and shower, and clean the house before my parents get home and before my aunt and uncle are here for dinner. plus, laur is coming by around 2! yaaay! that's all for now my loves.

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