Wednesday, March 14, 2007

puppies and rainbows and gumdrops and sunshine...

.... and then everyone gets sick from cute perky overload. but you know what i say to that?
uhhhhh f-you. with love.

today is absolutely gorgeous. it's supposed to be a high of 77 degrees, and i'm in shorts and a t-shirt!! i got to break my bike out of it's hibernation from my living room, and rode it to work. unfortunately i found out the hard way that the back break isn't working for whatever reason, but i pulled a flintstones move and used my feet in combination with the front break. woo!

so i absolutely loved having my brother (colin) here. he didn't stay with me at my place, he stayed with our friend ronni who lives just a few blocks away, but it was just really great having him in baltimore. just to be able to call him up and be like hey col, let's go grab some food, or hey come on over and we can do work together, was just really awesome. he just left this morning - i pulled my weird hours to get some work done for my midterm crit today - it's for life drawing - so he called me around 9:20am and dropped by and we chilled out for about an hour. i made breakfast (and by made breakfast i mean poured us some cereal and made a pot of coffee) and we talked in the kitchen for a bit. this is his spring break right now and he was not looking forward to going back to ny. he has to go to his internship at our local paper as soon as he gets home pretty much. it's at 4pm, and he left at about 10:30 this morning, and it's a 5 hour trip. sooo he's going to be cutting it really close. but yeah, i loved having him and i'm sad he had to leave. i really hope that when he and i are both out of school that we don't live too far from eachother. we've been close ever since we were kids, always playing together and teasing eachother in a non-malicious sort of way... haha we've certainly gotten into our share of trouble together too. it's funny, because honestly, i really feel like we have a similar connection to that of twins. i mean i can't know for sure since i've never experienced being a twin, but i'd say we're pretty damn close to it. so yeah.

it's almost spring!!! even my toes are springy. i may not like pink, but this definitely called for some hot pink toes for sure.

i am just in the best most fabulous mood. i'm getting really in control and on top of all of my work, even to the point where i feel i can almost do some of my own personal work. mmmmmmhm. it's a good day.

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