so for the past several hours i've been doing a lot of information changing. let me explain.
see, my rooommate has this ex-boyfriend... this guy is a paranoid schizoprhenic, and also potentially dangerous and all that marvelous stuff and has been trying to track down anastasiya ever since she broke up with him and left for school. well he hasn't had too much luck contacting her, so starting last summer he found my home number and was calling the house non stop, threatening to come to my house, to come here, to hurt ana, all that good stuff... so we changed that number. he would also go through my myspace, and look at my friends and try adding them and messaging them to get information on me and/or ana, since he knew we lived together. then he emailed me this creepy, cryptic email over spring break, and starting today started texting my phone.
some of the texts were really random... he sent me a this picture message:

anyway, on a lighter note, i'm traveling into PA tomorrow for my job interview for that nanny position! i'm really excited, and i hope the little girl, emily, likes me. the jazz formal is also tomorrow, which i can't wait for! i love getting all dressed up now and again. and thank you so much again sam for taking my shift - you pretty much rock.
so i need to get to bed i think. i need to be out of here no later than 8:15. so much for getting a bunch done tonight.... ah well...
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