Sunday, March 11, 2007

took the bones of me shook the bones of me

in response to alissandra's comment on my previous (however short) post:

ya damn right.

but anyway, happy daylight savings everybody. i think it's funny that daylight savings isn't actually changing time... just a practice that synchronizes a mass change in the perception of time on nation-wide level. sweet. to me however, this time of year is exciting because right now, it is jutst one step closer to summer. and normally, no matter how much i enjoy summer and have enjoyed it in the past, i don't think that i have wanted it to come as much as i do right now. i mean in elementary school there was always the dragging feeling until the final bell when you could dash onto the bush, get home, and stay out well after the porch lights came on, playing a solid game of manhunt and chasing fireflies. now, it's the immense excitement of things to come and things to leave behind. right now, i have 8 more weeks left of my sophomore year. just 8. that is absolutely incredible to me. this year, despite many of it's less than happy events and ridiculous moments, has completely flown by i think perhaps even faster than the year before. this is terrifying, considering the fact that that means finals will be here very shortly, that anastasiya and i really need to think about and figure out where we'll be living, and then of course the prospect of moving out of this apartment.

however this is also just fabulously awesome.

i'm very much in the "excited about life" mode right now, even if most the excitement has to do with the somewhat near future.

some resolutions i have for the remainder of the semester:

actually go jogging. i've wanted to do this for a while, but never had the time. well, i dropped a class to get more work done and actually live like a normal human being, so i am going to further make use of the additional 24 hours to my life and get things done that i want to get done.

do better art work. again, with the more realistic amount of time i have to get things done now, this should reduce some stress that makes work more craptastic, and also giving my a normal amount of time to put into something to make it quality.

get to work on time on thursdays. again with the getting things done and being able to sleep.

not kill a few select people. you know who you are. actually... no... no you don't. but my goal is not to kill you during the rest of the year. we'll see how that goes.

things i'm so so so so so so excited for:

SUMMER! because this includes:

spending time with friends and family; when my parents come to pick me and all my stuff up at the end of this year, my dad is going to take me to a ball game! i honestly can't wait. it has been much too long since i've seen a live baseball game. i think the last time was the summer before freshman year.....
annual family vacation to new jersey
maybe a camping trip?
working at the daycare some more - i love my kids!
hanging out with certain awesome people.
taking an obscene amount of pictures
and, one thing that i'm most excited about (but shouldn't be yet because it's still so up in the air...) is a potential job i might have!!

see, this summer, i may be working for the Pennsylvania Governor's School of The Arts. my job would basically be to take care of, hang out and play with this adorable 4 year old girl. not only is it super cool that that would be my job, but included would be my own apartment and a college meal plan. i'd be surrounded by students attending the program, so oodles of all kinds of artists (musicians, visual artists, writers, etc.), and meet and hang out with the awesome people working there during my off hours. it would be for 7 weeks, so i'd still have a large chunk of my summer at home (it works out to almost 50/50). i'm super thrilled, and really hoping i get the job. i feel like i have a good shot, considering the fact i got an awesome recommendation (thanks beege!) and because of my experience with kids and all, but there's always the chance i won't, and unfortunately there's also the possibility that they won't need a nanny at all. so, i'm basically waiting to hear about all of that. i'm trying not to get my hopes up or put too much into it, but come on people..... if you honestly know me, then you're reading this and thinking "yeah, right... you're probably packed already." and to that i say...... well... what of it!?

so besides that, i am also excited to have discovered a new outlet for more personal feelings and such so as not to divulge a whole bunch of crap into this blog. see the other night while i was back home in new york, i mentioned online to bj that i needed to get out of the house. actually, i think it was more along the lines of "i neeeeeed to get ouuuuuuut of the hoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuussseeeeee." or something to that affect. to which he replied, "well go frolick." which sounded like a fabulous plan to me, so i did. it was freezing, and 1 in the morning, but it was a fabulous frolick. i took my camera with me, and ended up making a video of me just talking and spilling my guts about things that i felt like talking about. yay for video diaries! it's fun and i think easier to some respect because it can be difficult for me to express myself in writing/typing sometimes, so being able to talk and use hand gestures and the like is good. it also feels good to get things of your chest by saying them out loud. good times, for sure. so any way, i need to get my lazt bum out of bed and get cracking on all the work i didn't do over spring break. yaaay! buhbye my loves.

ok that was a lie - before i go: my brother drove me back to baltimore yesterday, and it was so hilarious and fun. i love my brother! i get to spend all of tuesday with him, so that'll be a good time. he made some fabulous analogies along the way, and also now have some very memorable catch phrases involving boston accents to cherish forever... heh heh heh...

alright, for serious, peace out girl scout.

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