Saturday, February 17, 2007

bandwagons and conversation hearts

so i finally broke down and decided to make one of these blog things. normally how this goes, is that in a few months i will probably stop writing in this completely, and then months later stumble upon something to do with it and say "ah look at that!" and start posting, and go through the motions of being a blogger again. just putting it out there. but anyway, i mainly wanted to start this sucker up to go into the occasional rant (i'm good at that), post some sketches and art pieces if i'm in the mood and basically just use this the same way i use a sketchbook, with many fun diary-like ramblings. be excited.

so, i made it through another valentine's day. woo! it was actually the first valentine's day since... well since i began having boyfriends actually, that i didn't have "someone" to spend it with. wow. wtf man... i'm weird. well, i'm lucky then that valentine's day doesn't really phase me all that much. my family has always kind of held valentine's day in regards as being a time when you just make any sort of effort to show the people in your life that you're thinking of them, be it significant other, friend, relative, or hell even the mailman if you feel the itch. so on wednesday, i got up and was relieved to discover that my campus had closed due to the ice and snow, and i didn't have to go into work. i walked over to the grocery store and got 3 packs of those conversation hearts and 3 tiny cute fuzzy plush toys (a bear, a puppy and a frog, if you must know) and supplies for chocolate chip pancakes. it was nice to surprise my roommates with it. anastasiya and i decided that i would make a good boyfriend... you know, if i was a boy. or an awesome butch lesbian girlfriend. you know, if i was a butch lesbian. sweet. some of the pancakes became pink after i dumped red sprinkles into the batter, but that excited me so i added more. and i made them into hearts, because i'm a huge dork. i brought some over to my friends alissandra, tyler, justin and sam. i made sure sam got a heart one, mostly to spite him since he was really hating valentine's. i was hoping maybe the pink heart-shaped chocolate mess would make him smile a bit. i think it also helped that i delivered it quite literally by hand. i think he even went beyond his normal stoic non-smile. mission accomplished.

that night the above-mentioned friends and i had a bitterness party, and watched Love Actually. i cried. i loved it. i also went home angsty and promptly updated my facebook staus to " a lonely penguin." dammit love. but i really can't complain, considering the fact i spent valentine's with some of my absolute favorite people, and that this is only really the first valentine's that i didn't have a special someone. and anyway, my friend bree asked me to be his valentine for the day, and even if he lives like, 250 miles away, the gesture was nice and i made him a youtube video card thingy. um um um... yeah. since then, there's been a couple all-nighters, lots of work (being school and job related), good conversation, and an average amount of foghorniness..... um check your thesauras for that one and you'll see "angst."

well this became much longer than i guess i initially thought, but that's ok. i'm probably the only one who'll read this thing anyway, if and when i get all contemplative and such. ok, well, good night, sweet dreams, i'm off to make pretty pictures.


Justin Lloyd said...

I'm glad you could spend Valentine's Day with all us other singles. I'm excited that we both lost our blog virginity around the same time. I'll be reading yours, don't you worry, and I think that whole lunch thing sounds super.

Sam Bosma said...

Hi, Cory. I remember when we went to the aquarium with our friends. That was a fun day.
