Tuesday, February 20, 2007

under blankets, above sheets

i did it. i dropped a class. be proud.

i had pulled another all nighter to finish work for my class today (well, a most-of-the-nighter, i slept about an hour and a half), just in case i couldn't drop it for whatever reason. i had never dropped a class before so i didn't really know the procedure or what to expect. i actually got there even before any one in the registrar office. i went to open the door and saw a dark room. luckily, someone who worked there was right behind me. i wished her a sleepy good-morning and she asked me if i needed to drop anything off. i told her no, i just needed to drop a class and she handed me the paper, and just said to fill it out and place it in the bin. in my head i was thinking "that's it?!? i was terrified of a bin?" and promptly filled out the form. i asked her how long it would take to be processed and go into effect, and she said "oh, sometime today." again, i was shocked and excited. i thanked her, and began the walk of shame/relief back to my apartment. i ran into james on the way, as he works in the photo department every morning and gets off around 8:40am or so, and he asked me to breakfast. i thanked him for the offer, but decided it was probably best if i just went and slept. that morning was the first time i had really noticed a physical effect (besides being very tired and slightly incoheren) due to not sleeping for several days. i felt so weak. i had even had a hard time walking up the stairs to go into the main building. i felt as though, with all i was carrying (both figuratively and literally) and my lack of sleep, a strong wind would have landed me on the pavement.

i got back to my place, stripped myself of my materials and book bag, coat, jeans, my many layers of sweaters, and slid/fell into bed. i took a deep breath, and could feel the pain of my back relaxing. it was 8:45, or something like that - i didn't actually bother to look at the clock. i slept until 5:15, when alissandra called me for what my cell phone told me was the third time. i called her back, chatted for half an hour, and wrote this blog. i actually planned on going into a bit more of the inner-workings of my mind at this point, but i have to go meet miss alissandrasaurus for dinner at the hoff. ah, food. and sleep. it's a good day.

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