Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i can i will i do

so enough is enough. i'm sick of the angst, as i'm sure everyone else is. so time for a change of pace, and to fulfill the other half of my blog's name. we've all heard enough of the things i've been thunking for now... time for some doodles! pretty much one of my most favorite things to do is sketch, but infortunately i really haven't had time to do the kind of sketching i like, however i'm hoping that will change now that i have little bit of a more normal-sized course load. so, these sketches are mostly from last semester.

these first few are from when i had to pick a celebrity and draw the hell out of 'em. i picked mick jagger. i used to think he was pretty weird looking. after having to stare, memorize, and draw his face for two weeks... i'm kind of a little more than in love with him. what of it!?

so these next few are from another assignment. unfortunately some of the colors are a bit off.... i tried to correct them after i scanned them, and i did a pretty good job on most, but there are some... like the one titled "lali" that just was beyond my abilities. dang scanner... anywho. we had to pick an illustrator whose work we really enjoyed, and then do some really solid sketch studies of some of their illustrations. basically, copy them to the best of our ability to get their style. i picked rama hughes. i have a link to his site in the left section of this page. i really love his stuff - and he's just so incredibly nice. i emailed him a little, and he's just one of the kindest most genuine people you could ever hope to encounter. and something that made me happy is that almost all of his work doesn't have anything digital about it. he likes to use watercolors for the most part, and really isn't that big a fan of the whole digital thing (and neither am i). i included links to his originials underneath each, so i encourage anyone who looks at this to take a gander. so without further ado...

hokay, so, these last couple are just some little guys that i've done that i like. i was trying to implement some of my newfound rama-skills, and had some fun doing them.

my dad
a sketch i did for a much larger watercolor. this was the second part of the "in the manner of" assignment, where we had to make a piece of our own, but.... well, in the manner of. i think i like this better than the finished piece.

my best friend lauren. i need to color it still. i'll get there eventually.

one of my roommates, katie. we're fans of going to diners at 3am.

so, after looking at these so much while posting, i think i've figured out that i really just need to do more of what i love, and that's portraits and work like all of this. i don't know why i've been having such a hard time with all of this illustration business, when it's kind of smacking me in the face. i just have to keep at it, and i'll get there. anywho, that's all for now. i think everyone has had enough visual stimulation for now.

and ps. i think justin and i may need a blog intervention.

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