Sunday, April 8, 2007

cigarettes and chocolate milk

...... and i'm feeling so good.

being home has never felt so wonderful. it's just for a couple days, but i think it was a much needed excursion. and my mom is always so happy to have my brother and i in the same place for an extended period of time. we all sat together on the couch last night to watch.... the end of something. i can't even remember. but when my brother sat down, my mom exclaimed "aw look! we're possuming!" which has been a long-standing inside joke between my immediate family since i was about eight years old. i'm not really sure how we first started saying it, but it basically refers to any time that we all squish together on the couch. sometimes we'll even sing it along to the tune of the addam's family... replacing addam's with possum, of course, and even including the finger snapping... yeah, we're huge dorks. are my quirks making more sense now? yeah.... i love my family.

tomorrow is easter, and we'll be having a fabulous ham and such, and then i'll have to get all my things together to be at the airport that evening to fly back to school. only about 4 weeks of classes left - kind of terrifying and awesome. i just really can't wait for the summer, for many different reasons, which i believe i've gone over in previous posts, hehe... i don't actually know if i do say it before or not, but i got the job in erie! woo! i am just so pumped for it. it will be pretty awesome, for sure. the little girl who i'll be the nanny for sent me a homemade card the other day. too adorable... she's pretty amazing. her mom said she's been making a bunch to give to me when i see them again in june.

lots of things to look forward too. i've been keeping little landmarks of time in mind to finish out the semester... i just can't wait for this year to be done with. a new thing to be excited about is that ana and i may have a new place to live, which will be nice to not have to worry about. we just have to get all our paper work in and what not and hopefully there shouldn't be any snags. a not so new development but still super exciting thing to look forward to is that bj will be visiting me here in baltimore soon! he'll actually be here the second to last week of school, so that will be pretty sweet. i bought tickets to the led zeppelin tribute show, so it will be a pretty hap'nin' time.

oh, and my laptop is kind of dying.... my poor baby.... the screen is all floopy, and it's got that awful red line going down the side, and now the eight, nine, and zero keys aren't working.... beege is going to take a look at it when he gets here, but who knows. there's no way i'm getting rid of it any time soon, but i may have to start restricting how often i tote it around with me. i almost always bring it to work with me, and if i travel home or whatever it always comes along. i have to admit i guess i haven't handled it as gingerly as i should have, but i suppose for how i have it's really held up nicely. it's one of the 3 things which i consider "m' babies." and oh yeah, it's name is charlie. but it's a girl. shush, i'm weird and i know it - i embrace it. the older i get the more i realize all of my neurotic tendencies, and just realize some of the strange things that come out of my mouth. but in turn the more i realize this, the more comfortable i am with it. i'm just more and more happy to be myself and just be comfortable with myself, and live unapologetically. as long as i'm not hurting anybody, so what if i'm kind of a loon? there's definitely crazier people out there.

plus i mean you always bet on the crazy one in a fight. so i'm golden. unless i get into a fight with a much more insane person. then i'm pretty much SOL.

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