i'm back at my mom and dad's from the hospital! still feeling a little light headed - not woozy at all, but.... ok, you know that fun trick where you stand in a doorway and press your arms to the frame of the doorway as hard as you can for about 30 seconds, and when you step away it feels like your arms are floating up? well that's kind of how i feel when i stand up for too long. so i'm keeping my tush in place until further notice :).
mom, papa bear and myself stayed in a holiday inn last that was closer to the hospital. it was only about 45 minutes away from the house but the weather was so awful last night that we didn't want to have to worry about it.
then it was off to the hospital this morning! everyone was so nice there. i hate hate hate needles, and they had to put the iv almost immediately after i got there - my nurses Tara and Carol were wonderful, and we chatted the whole time - Tara laughed at me when Carol walked in the room with all the iv stuff because without really realizing it i took a huuuuge breath in and out. Tara had done all my pre-test stuff the few days before and knew needles aren't exactly my fave so she just burst out, which made me laugh and relax a bit. annny way, that was all good. they put my little i.d. bracelets on, one of which was a bright yellow one...
mom, papa bear and myself stayed in a holiday inn last that was closer to the hospital. it was only about 45 minutes away from the house but the weather was so awful last night that we didn't want to have to worry about it.
then it was off to the hospital this morning! everyone was so nice there. i hate hate hate needles, and they had to put the iv almost immediately after i got there - my nurses Tara and Carol were wonderful, and we chatted the whole time - Tara laughed at me when Carol walked in the room with all the iv stuff because without really realizing it i took a huuuuge breath in and out. Tara had done all my pre-test stuff the few days before and knew needles aren't exactly my fave so she just burst out, which made me laugh and relax a bit. annny way, that was all good. they put my little i.d. bracelets on, one of which was a bright yellow one...

my brother just fell in love with when he saw it hehe. they're required to put it on everyone in the hospital, but still, it made us both giggle. col says i should where it ar
ound for a few days, just to throw people off. i agree.so like i said, everyone there was so friendly. when i was rolled into the operating room, i had to wait for the anaesthesiologist. one of my surgeons and 3 of my nurses came out and were talking with me and we got joking and giggling, and then the anaesthesiologist, Steve, came out, which meant we were getting this show on the road. he was very funny, and he pulled out his syringe and assured me it wasn't a shot, it was just going right into the iv. still all giggly, nurse Chris asked if i was ready, and Steve said "You're gonna LOVE this." it hit me pretty quick, and i laughed and said whoa you're not kidding - i had been sitting up (i don't like laying down in hospital beds unless i have to) and decided it was a good time to lean back, which Steve confirmed by laughing and saying "yeah, that's a good idea." i giggled, and the next thing i knew i was waking up in the recovery room, where another nurse was sitting with me reading a magazine. she saw stir and cheerfully said "well hello there!" i smiled, said hi, and fell back to sleep, hehe. when i finally woke up, she was still there, and chuckled. "how are you doing? would you like to try to wake up, and we can take you back to your mom and dad?" i agreed, with a lot of hesitation, because all i wanted to do was go back to sleep, but i talked with her for a little while until i got out of my sleepy, resistant (and very typical sleepy cory) state.
long story short, i'm back, and feeling good. they got the results back immediately and said that it definitely was a fibroadenoma, and i shouldn't have any problems. there's a possibility that i could get another one, but if/when that happens we can reevaluate things and generally just cross the bridge when we come to it, as the old adage goes.
so i feel pretty great right now. so much better compared to the biopsy - i think that's what had me most nervous because recovering after the biopsy, while not too trying, just hurt so bad. i had a lot of pain. and with this, during surgery they inserted a type of numbing, pain med into where the F.A. had been, which is supposed to last for 5 days. sweet!
annnd i'll also be able to start swimming again really soon, and the doctor said it really shouldn't be a problem at all. yay! can't wait.
ok, i suppose that's enough for now. if blogger stops being sassy i'll upload that picture, and also upload a picture of my daily drawing (which has yet to be done, but will be done as part of my NY resolution!)
peace, and love
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