Tuesday, May 1, 2007

mashed potatoes and my weeping yogi

so in light of summer, and in addition to my summer resolutions, i've decided that i will no longer publish a blog unless i draw something to publish with it. i figure this does two things - for one, it will cut down on a lot of lame stuff that really doesn't need to be published [that's what my video diary is for] and for two, it will make me draw more. both of those are wonderful, wonderful things. and if i break this new rule of mine i give anyone who catches it permission to smite me. however tyler's zeus character has first dibs, because that'd just be friggin hilarious. but only as long as his "smote" speech bubble pops up after wards.

so, from now on, every blog will have a drawing to go with it, most likely related to whatever i'm talking about. no matter how good or bad it is. each one could take me 5 minutes to 5 hours, who knows. the one i'm posting today is a quick 5 minute drawing i did on a post-it note. it's of my little weeping yogi figurine made of wood. my weeping yogi is one of my favorite posessions. it's about an inch tall, and is a carved figure sitting crossed legged with his head buried in his hands. my mom got one years ago for our home in ny - he sits quietly on a shelf off to the side of the living room. mine, well currently he's sitting next to my laptop, but normally he was sitting in one of my box shelves hanging on the wall in my room here. i've been slowly packing things up, and sorting through what will stay here in baltimore, and what will be coming back with me. the yogi, of course, is coming with me. the story behind the weeping yogi is that they are supposed to draw away any sorrows or heaviness in your heart. these little figures are made to carry the burdens and weights of you, so that you don't have to. i think that this very idea is what makes me cherish my own personal one so much. being so small, i often forget that he's even there. the same i believe goes for the one in my home in ny. each time i rediscover him, it just warms my heart and fills it with compassion and joy. each time i realize it's there, i pick him and hold him warmly and firmly in my hand, usually close to my heart. it amazes me what something so small can do.

and that's all.

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