Tuesday, December 30, 2008

fish head and chai taj-que

so i'm in ra-cha-cha, spending it with my darling ana!

i got here on sunday around 5pm, and i'm loving every second. it's the first time i've seen her that we haven't had to spend it dealing with angry ex-landlords, horrible subletters, fleas, mice, and other just unpleasant things. we can actually enjoy each other, yay!

today we did several things - she took me to lake ontario, and we walked around a bit. i brought my holga camera and took some shots - the majority of them, strangely enough, of dead fish that had washed up. some of them were so huge! kind of nasty i suppose. but otherwise, it was beautiful. we picked up some lovely driftwood to bring home - i'm going to do some carvings from them. very, very excited.

the sun was glorious.

we also picked up some hair dye on sunday, but had some mixed results (as you can see from the carrot top version of ana above there) - sooo we picked up MORE today after lake ontario, and crossed our fingers. while i redyed her hair a shade of purpley-red, and she dyed my bangs that and the rest black, we made some homemade split-pea soup and cooked up some cheese and spinach raviollis, which we then pan fried with some onions. we ate, and then washed the dye out. we had the process down.

ana's hair looks incredible! love the new color. it wasn't what she had been hoping for, but i really like it. as for mine, i hadn't originally intended for my whole head to be black - i had just wanted her to do some streaks of it. but once she got the gloves on and the hair dye in hand, she said "i'm going to do the whole thing, k?" and proceeded to do so.

it actually turned out very cool. i was nervous it was going to look a little too punky, which, let's face it, i'm not all too much. but yeah i'm kind of really loving it! it'll be fantastic for new years.

which, speaking of, seems like it will be the best new years i've had in years. maybe actually in the history of all my 21 past new years. one of the places ana and i plan to go (with her whole gang of friends) is to a masquerade ball! how incredible is that?! we're going to make the masks tomorrow, which i will for sure posts pictures of. it will be full of dancing, drinking, merriment and love. i'm just all kinds of thrilled.

after the hair dyeing experience, ana took me to meet up with her friend Illona, who is from Finland. we went to this great coffee shop called java's, which was funky and fabulous. we stayed oonly for a half hour or so and made our way to another cafe called spot which was sooo good, and very cheap. and huge! we stayed there for well over an hour, chatting away. we planned to go back to Illona's after spot to watch a very long engagement, and while we did in fact go there after spot closed, we ended up watching parts of this ridiculous movie called teeth. just google vagina dentata myth. hilarious.

enough of that - goodnight!


Gunjan said...

Nice pictures...do visit my blog too :)

Sean Scheidt said...

sounds so lovely! I have some bad hair dying stories to tell you. Some on video tape even! my best friend, Mark, and I decided to use this product that would "lighted your hair by just one tone!" Well, aparently just one tone meant bleach any color out of it at all. So we went to the store to retrieve our natural colors...which turned out as bright yellow in the end. A week later I began my freshman year of college!