Thursday, October 4, 2007

batman stickers and rubber mulch

well hello there again my friends.

there are several people that are currently baltimorians [not to be confused with baltimorons] that i desperately miss. i blame you, for making me like you so much. sounds fair, i think.

so recently [as in the past 3 hours] i have found myself captivated by the soft, moody, yet ever so frilly tunes of ingrid michaelson - you'd probably know her by the old navy sweater commercial. she's quite enjoyable, in a sugary sweet sense. sweet like... maybe butterscotch. not like cotton candy or sweet tarts.

i've been taking classes at the community college here at home, and it has definitely been interesting. i love the science classes i'm in - mainly, geology. enough so it has me thinking that i'd like to get a degree in it after all my mica business and teach in that as well as art. it's also been very bizarre, being home. i do miss living on my own a great deal. everything here just pretty much feels like i'm in limbo, no matter how much i enjoy family and friends here. i'm most assuredly past the living at home phase of my life. i've found that whenever i come home after having been away at mica, i revert back to being rather dependent on my mom and dad. my mom is very quick to take care of people, i.e. doing laundry, picking up after people, making me something to eat/grab me something from the kitchen if she's in there... and i don't like that. when i reflect on it, it just makes me feel like such a bum and i think that my parents get in erroneous depiction of me and my level of responsibility. so the past few weeks i've been trying very hard to thwart this by being my consciously on top of things, and even turning down offers for my dad to wait for me for dinner, so that i make something for myself.

and on the topic of making things for myself [in the food category that is], i've been trying to not be so gross with the way i have had the tendency to eat. i think anastasiya, alissandra and tyler know better than most the eating habits i sometimes have. to explain it in the minimalistic of terms, if not careful, i eat like i'm a 5 year old left to fend for their self. popcorn and ice cream for lunch anyone? no? how about swedish fish and mac & cheese for breakfast?

also on the health kick, i've been trying to go running [again]. i do actually enjoy it when i'm by myself, and drown out everything around me with my ipod. and i've been doing yoga. what what!

basically all of this is working into my attempt to be healthier all around - physically, metabolically, mentally, emotionally.

so we've got the physical taken care of with running and yoga, metabolically speaking we have the healthier diet, mentally we have [again] yoga, and also larry [those of you who are unaware of larry, he is {gasp!} my therapist], and emotionally we have larry again, me weeding out situations and negative thoughts that have caused me distress in the past, my family, lauren [are relationship has really strengthened a great deal with me being home], bree of course, and the newest addition, who has probably done the most good, graham.

other recent news, i am back working at the daycare. yaaay! i love my little munchkins. i'm working quite a few hours. today i had class from eight to eight fifty a.m. and then work from nine thirty until five thirty p.m. it was a bit of a long day. luckily though, the day goes by unusually fast. it's always split up into segments so it makes it very easy to pass the time.

well, i am off to play a game of literati [the poor man's scrabble.... well... .the yahoo messenger version anyway] and then go to bed for a few hours before my classes tomorrow. woo! good night, sweet dreams, be well.

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